
Showing posts from April 22, 2012

bash - regular expression approach

I just found this in the net while reading and browsing about bash, and I wanted to take this notes for my own sake :D. #! /bin/bash VARIABLE="Let's test this string!" # This is for regular expressions: if [[ "$VARIABLE" =~ "Let's.*ring" ]] then echo "matched" else echo "nope" fi # And here we have Bash Patterns: if [[ "$VARIABLE" == L*ing! ]] then echo "matched" else echo "nope" fi

Linux: View GID by Group Name

I just wanted to save this for me so that I can't forget this. For example, if you want to view the GID of group "dialout", issue the command below. $> groupname=dialout $> sed -nr "s/^$groupname:x:([0-9]+):.*/\1/p" /etc/group This is helpful since there's no command like "id" can do for a group.