Eucalyptus - Save current Instance as backup with the power of "dd" command

The current setup for this is that, I have this current instance in Eucalyptus and was already customized while its being in the cloud. This means like, installing packages and added extra configurations to some packages. While its time wasting if to go back and install those packages, doing a dd (disk dump) tool is very helpful.

Below is the command I issued,

#> dd if=/dev/vda1 of=jenkins.img conv=noerror,sync 

I use the conv=noerror,sync which the sync to sync every input block and also its meta data. I've tried w/o that option and it didn't work. 

After I run this into the cloud, I can ssh and I see the state before dd finished, it was there. It's really great!

Hope this helps!


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