yesterday was a great day for an eye-opener to me

I think, my day yesterday is just an eye-opener to me and be aggravated and conquer again my willingness to thrive and dig more for my technology enthusiasm passion.

I received a good news, to me, with my hesitation of the opportunity outside my will and God answered it with a very surprising news came to me. I'm happy, I promise to make myself the way it was yesterday and now I'm studying stuffs and focus on my plans while begin here in my room for the right plan I have to pursue. God is always so good and loving. Thank you Lord for everything!!!

I promise to keep myself straight and aim the goal that I wanted to achieve.


Practikel said…
Hi there!

My name is Kelli Knight and I work for Cheri Sundae Productions in Los Angeles, CA. We came across your video of the dog escaping and were wondering if you had exclusively licensed this to anyone or non-exclusively licensed it to be on any show? We're interested in possibly non-exclusively licensing it for our show, but need to know if its ever been licensed before. Was it by chance on AFV? Please get back to me and let me know when you get a chance :)

Thanks so much!

Kelli Knight
Cheri Sundae productions

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